More Customers Now

Proximity Marketing for all Small Business Owners
is now available!
 The best return on your advertising
dollar.  Click the button; this 2 Minute Video is a brain tweak!

Many entrepreneurs and small business owners who see this new tech immediately want to implement it in their business to create more customers.  If you are ready to place your order,

click here now.  

(We will contact you to walk you through the very simple set up process)

Notice, nowhere on this page do we ask for your email address.  Why? 

Quite frankly, the above video either makes sense or it doesn't.  I have learned over the years that just because someone owns a business, doesn't necessarily give them a marketing or customer acquisition mindset.  If the technology in this video makes sense, we are here to help you implement it in your business and answer your questions.  If it doesn't click for you, we don't have time to send you follow up emails to try to convince you why you should be using it.  Is that fair?

In today's world if your marketing is not on someone's phone, you are quickly being forgotten.

If you have questions, please call us 24 hours a day, leave a message and someone on our team will be happy to get your questions answered. 

(559) 425-9776  

One Final thought.  "Opportunity is never lost, it is only taken advantage of by someone else".  I know you are busy.  Some entrepreneurs get caught in the trap of being so busy running their business, that they don't have time to run their business!  Some of the best advice I have heard over my entrepreneurial career is "YOU HAVE TO SAY NO TO A LOT OF GOOD IDEAS, SO YOU HAVE TIME FOR THE GREAT ONES!"  

If you own any kind of business and you want more customers, this is a great idea.  It is new, trendy and many experts agree PROXIMITY marketing is a new trend that will be used by all small business owners  (your competitors) in the near future. 

It has been said, that "A wise person investigates what a fool takes for granted".  We will not waste your time, and we ask that you not waste ours.  If  you want to get ahead of the trend, and start generating customers for your business on auto-pilot, call our office now, and we will be happy to
answer your questions and if there is a fit, help you use this tech to grow your business.


Dale Calvert

Entrepreneur, Public Speaker, Best Selling Author
Business Consultant, Owner Calvert Marketing Group



  1. I don't know what to advertise the best my books or my videos, I have a recording studio but not advertising for my videos! I have my books of a website but no advertising for the website! So I don't know what would be best to advertise, can you tell me?

    1. Hi Reverend Richards,

      Thank you for your question. You can test multiple 40 character messages. The messages and websites can be changed whenever you want. We have 8 beacons that we use to promote various businesses. You can change the message and link whenever you want from the website you will be given access to as a customer. Normally within 24 hours the message is approved and live. So you have great flexibility. Please contact us at the number above if you need more clarification.


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